Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Health Issues

I am simply tired of being pushed around by the medical system. I really like my doctors but it seems like they try to push you to one facility. I need a procedure and he wants me to travel almost 2 hours to the hospital. The closer one is not as up to date. Now I have to make arrangements for a hospital closer. To get to the right department or the right person is nearly impossible unless your a doctor. And to make sure they are using the most up to date stuff. I tried to navigate the website which took a phone call to even get registered. It was not at all helpful. So by the time I got all this done...it's too late to call anyone. And my notes are a mess. Time to organize. Anyone else have a medical story?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Reconnecting with Friends

I went to the Relay for Life at Phoenixville H.S. after work on Friday. I tried calling my friends but the calls wouldn't go thru so I just walked around hoping I would recognize someone after more than 30 years. I was ready to leave, as I turned I saw a sign. Class of 74 PAHS. I was home. I walked over to the tent and stood in front of everyone (it was 10:15 pm) and asked if anyone recognized me. I was a little nervous but Helen stood up and we hugged. It was so great to see her. She had not changed a bit. She had me laughing. She called Ed. We went to the track. We did a couple of laps and Helen had enough (with her recent knee replacement). Ed and I picked up the pace and did a couple more laps. I left at 1:00am. I was so excited. I am also helping get in touch with classmates for out 35 reunion. It is so great to see so everyone. I didn't really talked to anyone but Helen. Hopefully next time I'll make the rounds. I forgot to take pictures...me...I always take pictures.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stand by Me

I just watched the International version of Stand by Me. This is incredible. Check it out. I'll put it on this page. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A_ma2h0idk

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I am starting yoga again. I haven't been able to exercise lately due to some injuries. I really need to get moving again. I'm feeling flabby and loose. I got a cd called "How to begin Yoga" learn the basics from 13 yoga masters...... Wish me luck!
Ok, tried the yoga...bad investment. Gotta try another tape. It was an ad for 13 yoga masters..lol...didn't flow. Very disappointed. For now I'll just do the poses I remember.
What happened to the family business? I miss that personal service. If your a few days late, you explain, give an apology and move on. Now they try to nickel and dime you to death. Late fees on late fees? Your a few days late...OK you pay the late fee...but you didn't pay the late fee immediately...another late fee. Frustrating!
Rain! I usually like rain especially storms...but I need some sunshine. The Relay for Life is this weekend and warm sunny weather is needed. Only good thing...I don't have to water those flowers I planted last weekend.
Oops! Lost my blog. I am lucky to have Donna to get me back on track.
Thanks Donna!